

What Type Of Border?

"The key point about modern borders is that beyond demarking and establishing the legal jurisdiction and geographic extent of a country, they have a number of revenue, immigration and safety functions. Crucially, each of these functions can occur at the place where validity needs to be checked and this does not have to occur at a particular point where the goods or people cross a line on a map. This allows a country to create “smart borders” to check this validity in the most appropriate, cost-effective and convenient real or virtual space. 

The very notion of a “hard border” where everything and everyone is stopped and searched is a ridiculous and almost cartoonish fiction, not resembling reality in any other European nation."


Scotland In The EU

If Scotland was once again in the EU this is what the trading map would look like.  Would a border with England really be so significant?


Scotland's Smart Borders

“We must think of self-governing Scotland as an independent legal jurisdiction which has internationally recognised legal boundaries. A Customs officer at an immobile Customs Station, in an open-borders 21st Century European community, has very little impact and demonstrates how Unionists miss the point, whilst further; successfully confusing our electorate by claiming “hard borders” are a show-stopper when in fact they are very largely irrelevant.”