

Robert Burns In Dumfries

We are delighted to announce a brilliant set of events over the weekend of 20th and 21st July, to remember Robert Burns, who died in Dumfries on 21st July 1796.
We will be at 109 High Street on Saturday 20th, with music, poems, stories, pictures and fun stuff for all ages, brought together by our team.
We have 2 very special events running alongside our show.
On Saturday 20th, the Robert Burns Centre will show a moving documentary on Burns, featuring African American poet and writer, Maya Angelou. Our own local poet and writer, Hugh McMillan will lead a post film discussion.
On Sunday 21st, the Theatre Royal will show Mairi Sutherland's film Red Rose, which tells the story of Burns' years in Dumfries and the events which happened in this very theatre. Mairi will lead a Q&A session after the film and our guest soprano, Cheryl Anne Easton will sing.
Before the film, there will be an opportunity to join the Theatre Burns tour - details will follow. This is our tribute to Robert Burns and the ideas he held dear. 
This has been such a great venture and we are excited to be working with two wonderful places, the Robert Burns Centre and the Theatre Royal. In addition to the anniversary of Burns’ death, Mairi Sutherland’s film Red Rose has just reached its 20th anniversary too, so to see it in the Theatre is just magic. Mairi was born in Dumfries and several events were filmed in the original places, such as Burns’ House, the Theatre, Friars Carse and Ellisland Farm.
We discovered that in 1896, 100 years after Burns’ death, 50,000 people assembled in the Market Square to mark the anniversary. We can’t match that, but we hope this will rekindle the story of Burns in Dumfries. Join us!

Dumfries stall on 16 March 2024

Or stall was visited by a lot of people on 16 March.  And a large majority of them thought that Scotland should be an independent country!Stall 160324-1-min.jpeg


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Dgp4indy Meetings

Dumfries and Galloway Pensioners for Independence cordially invite you to our meetings in Lochthorn Library from 2.00 pm until 4.00 pm.  Our next meetings are on 18 April, 23 May and 13 June.  All are welcome, and it's free to join our growing band of older folk who long for independence for Scotland.

Dgp4indy Stalls are Coming Back

Dumfries and Galloway Pensioners for Independence will be in Dumfries Town Centre to speak to you on Saturday 16 March and Saturday 13 April.

You can join our campaigning group of oldies for free any time you like.

Why Repaying The National Debt Is Not A Good Idea

"The truth is that the national debt is fundamental to the success of our economy because it provides us with our national money supply, and we cannot survive without that. Those suggesting we can either limit this so-called debt, do without it, or repay it, must be treated with suspicion. What they propose not only threatens the entire public sector of the UK, but also the economic viability of the country as a whole. It is for them to justify why they would wish to do that."

Rue Britannia!

"The people of Britain have delivered a damning verdict on Brexit four years on from leaving the European Union. An exclusive Ipsos poll for the Evening Standard released on Wednesday found 57 per cent of adults in the country believe Brexit has been more of a failure, with just 13 per cent saying more of a success."

Brexit Import Controls Will Hurt Scottish Businesses

"The UK economy continues to suffer from Brexit damage in many areas – the slump in exports, the higher cost of imports, the UK’s skewed balance of payments, the loss of structural funds, the seasonal workforce and science funds. But within the UK, the English electorate has full sway. Scotland didn’t vote for Brexit but that didn’t matter to Westminster. Scotland is being damaged – but the UK political parties don’t have anything to offer. The only path for Scotland to rejoin the EU is through independence."

The Cost Of Brexit.

"Brexit has cost the UK £140bn so far, according to new analysis, and could see the nation £311bn worse off by the middle of the next decade, according to a new report."

Banks Create Money Out Of Thin Air!

"Here we're advised by the Norges Bank, the Bank of Norway, that "When you borrow from a bank, the bank credits your bank account. The deposit – the money – is created by the bank the moment it issues the loan. The bank does not transfer the money from someone else’s bank account or from a vault full of money. The money lent to you by the bank has been created by the bank itself – out of nothing: fiat – let it become. The money created by the bank does not disappear when it leaves your account. If you use it to make a payment, it is just transferred to the recipient’s account. The money is only removed from circulation when someone uses their deposits to repay a bank, as when we make a loan repayment... To sum up: banks create money out of nothing and withdraw it when loans are repaid."

