
Health & the NHS

Cancer Mortality Rates In Scotland Continue To Fall

"From NHS Scotland today: Over the last ten years, the overall risk of dying from cancer (the age-adjusted cancer mortality rate) has fallen by 10%, a decrease of 12% for males and 7% for females. The number of annual cancer deaths has increased over the same period. This is largely because the number of older people, who are at greater risk of developing cancer, has increased."

Joseph Rowntree Foundation Praises SNP Government Initiative On Child Poverty

While the JRF offers advice on further improvements to the Scottish Child Payment, it was particularly supportive of the initiative saying, today: "1. Following a great deal of work in advance of the Scottish Government’s announcement, including campaigning by a significant coalition of poverty-focused organisations in Scotland, we were pleased that the analysis and ideas in our first report had in many ways been reflected in the Scottish Government’s announcement. We believe the Scottish Child Payment could make a significant contribution to tackling child poverty in Scotland...."

Success Of Healthcare Integration In Scotland

"The move from institutionalised to community-based care is at the heart of Scotland’s strategy for patients with psychiatric, addiction of learning disability conditions. The number of patients treated as inpatients has fallen by 15% in the last 5 years. There will of course always be some patients who cannot be treated in the community. This statement from the Royal College of Nursing sums up the need for this trend and one major reason for its success in Scotland"

Scotland's Free Prescriptions May Save Money

"From: House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts Penalty charge notices in healthcare One Hundred and Fifteenth Report of Session 2017–19. These points are revealing: The Department argues that its approach is justifiable because it spends 31 pence per £1 collected managing the process. However, it has not calculated costs to the wider health system, where patients—for fear of being fined—do not seek the treatment they need and end up in hospital. Last year the PCN process generated a net yield of £25 million for the NHS, a pitiful sum compared to the annual cost of prescriptions which is around £9 billion. We believe that this kind of threatening approach is unhelpful, and we are concerned that it could have a negative impact on people who are legitimately entitled to exemption. The British Dental Association tells us that last year it saw a 23% fall in the number of people on low incomes seeking treatment and is concerned that the threat of fines may have discouraged people from going to the dentist. Failure to seek treatment when needed is only likely to push up longer-term costs to the NHS."


